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String of Hearts Variegated

String of Hearts Variegated

The variegated String of Hearts is a trailing succulent with idyllic small hearts growing along the vine. The blotched pattern on its leaves balance between light green and pink, however a greater amount of sunlight is required to increase the variegation. 

    Plant Care

    Light: This plant requires 4 to 6 hours of bright, indirect light each day to maintain its variegation. Avoid direct sunlight.

    Water: Allow the soil dry out almost completely between waterings and water about once per week in the summer months and reduce to every 2 weeks during the winter.

    Soil: Use a well-draining soil formulated for cacti or succulents. Add perlite, coarse sand or orchid bark to assist with moisture retention and drainage.

    • Moderate Care Level
    • Mildly Toxic
    • Free Shipping
    • 30-Day Guarantee
    Regular price $30.00 USD
    Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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